When a mentally ill person entered a Connecticut school and slaughtered children and teachers, it was the last straw for some people. In this ultra liberal, politically correct climate in which we find ourselves today, the immediate outcry was to ban this and ban that. The very thought that teachers should not have the right to defend themselves and their pupils is laughable.
We cannot protect ourselves and our children from the mentally ill. They have constitutional rights of privacy. We cannot protect anyone from a criminal. Criminals are not going to obtain weapons legally. It is only after the facts of a horrific act that action can be taken. The only protection is self protection with the right to bear arms.
The founding fathers of this country felt that everyone had the right to bear arms. If we do not have a right to self defense, we are not a free people.
I am a retired school teacher. I would do anything necessary to defend my students. I am a grandmother. I would be happy to know that the public school that they attend has armed teachers. If it is known that there are armed teachers in the schools, it is less likely for someone to attack. This is a cost effective measure with no need to hire armed guards who would be targeted first and leave the school undefended.
There has been a terrible breakdown of our culture that glorifies violence. We see it in the movies, on TV, in video games. For those with mental problems, this is a catalyst. For the criminal, it is a road map. There is terrorism that has run rampant and seeks to destroy others. If you don’t like something, kill it.
The children of Sandy Hook Elementary School didn’t have a chance. By the time police were able to respond, the unopposed gunman had plenty of time to carry out his plan. Do we take away the right to life of teachers, students and parents in favor of the mentally deranged? I think not.
The only defense against the violence of these times in which we live is to be able to defend ourselves. That is the true freedom guaranteed by our constitution.
Evelyn Stahl, now retired, taught in the Dade County Public schools for 26 years and holds master’s degrees in Educational Leadership and Library and Information Science. She was Teacher of the Year in 2010 for the elementary school in which she taught. She lives with her husband, David, in Hallandale Beach and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. Currently Evelyn is Sisterhood co-president at her synagogue as well as a member of the Music Festival committee.
This post came from a member of the Public Insight Network, an online community of people who have agreed to share their opinions with the Miami Herald and WLRN. Become a news source by going to WLRN.org/Insight.