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Lobsters Are Not The Only Prey During Mini-Season: Keys Cops Warn About Marine Thefts

Marine thefts are a chronic problem in the Keys. Fishing gear, dive equipment, engines — sometimes even entire boats - are stolen from marinas, canals and backyards in the area.

Those thefts happen year-round, but there's a noticeable uptick in summer, especially during the annual two-day recreational lobster mini-season, when thousands of boaters come to the Keys. This year's mini-season is Wednesday-Thursday, July 26-27.

"When you have a lot more opportunity, you're going to have a lot more thieves," said Deputy Becky Herrin, spokeswoman for the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

The sheriff's office warns that boaters should secure their gear, especially overnight.

Credit FWC
Thousands of boaters come to the Florida Keys for the annual lobster mini-season — providing more opportunities for thefts of marine equipment.

"I know it's convenient to leave the stuff on the boat or out on the dock, but you're just opening yourself up to be a victim by doing that," Herrin said.

Besides making sure your belongings are locked up, Herrin also recommends calling the sheriff's office if you see anything suspicious.

"We would rather have you call us for nothing and have the opportunity to check it out with the possibility of preventing a crime than to have a crime happen and have us respond later," she said.

Nancy Klingener was WLRN's Florida Keys reporter until July 2022.
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