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The South Florida Roundup

How South Florida Will Remember 2012


We were once again in the center of the political universe, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons as the state that can't vote straight.  It was also the year that the death of a black teen from Miami Gardens named Trayvon Martin made us reassess race relations, and the right to stand your ground.    

"Climate change is here," was another notable headline for 2012, which marked perhaps the first time any U.S. city acknowledged rising sea levels when Miami Beach assessed what work its stormwater system required.    

It was also the year that things didn't change in Venezuela or Cuba, much to the chagrin of those stateside.

Host Phil Latzman speaks with panelists John Yearwood of the Miami Herald, and Kenny Malone and Alicia Zuckerman of WLRN-Miami Herald News for a review of the biggest stories from 2012.

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