09/02/14 - The United States is the only country in the world that routinely condemns children to die in prison. On Tuesday's Topical Currents we look at the issue which is the subject of the POV documentary, “15 To Life: Kenneth’s Story.” It’s the story of one of those children, Kenneth Young, now a young man, seeking a second chance in Florida. A Supreme Court decision could set him free. We speak with the filmmaker, Nadine Pequeneza along with Kenneth Young’s lead attorney, Paolo Annino.…he’s also the head of Florida State University’s Children in Prison Project and co-Director of the Public Interest Law Center in Tallahassee. Youth Justice Advocate, Esi Mathis joins us as well. Topical Currents Tuesday at 1pm.
Condemning Children To Die In Prison - 15 To Life: Kenneth’s Story

HitPlay Productions