Write an ode to your zip code

The Zip Ode, an original form invented by O, Miami and WLRN, is designed to transform your zip code into an occasion for place-based, lyrical celebration. You can submit a Zip Ode, year-round.
How To Write a Zip Ode
Write the numbers of your zip code down the left-hand side of the page. Each number determines the number of words in that line.
Note: if you have a zero in your zip code, that line is a WILD CARD! You can leave it blank, insert an emoji or symbol, use a punctuation mark, or otherwise surprise us.
An example using zip code 33314
3 The iguanas are
3 the same size
3 as my dog,
1 and
4 it’s a little scary.
- Amelia Alexander
You may submit as many #ZipOdes as you like. Feel free to share with friends and family, and check our Instagram page for the latest #ZipOdes.