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Pérez Art Museum Miami Asks For $2.5 Million In Additional Funding From Government

Carl Juste
Miami Herald

The Pérez Art Museum Miamisays it needs help. The museum, which opened in December of last year, has not received enough private dollars to meet its $14 million annual operating costs.

So, it is asking for more public money. PAMM wants the county to assist with a 60-percent increase in the museum's subsidy. That money would come from hotel taxes, the Miami Herald reports.

Currently, PAMM receives $2.5 million from Miami-Dade County. It is expected that Mayor Carlos Gimenez's proposed 2015 county budget will include $4 million total for PAMM-- that's a $1.5 million funding increase.

PAMM hopes to get an additional $1 million from Miami's Omni Community Redevelopment Agency. Those are special property taxes which are to be used for improvements from Museum Park up to 23rd Street.

The 2015 county budget will be released tomorrow, July 8. While PAMM is looking for a funding increase, the budget draft shows cuts for jobs and other non-profits supported by the county.

This story has been edited for clarity.

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