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June 3, 2015: State Senate Proposes Medicaid Expansion Amendment

Today on WLRN-Miami Herald News, you heard:

5:44 p.m. - Meet the South Florida lawyer who's fighting to prove that chimpanzees are people, too .
5:32 p.m. - Attendance increase at all but two of Florida's theme parks last year according to a report out today. And the NBA is going to Disney World, where it will be setting up a new fan experience.
5:04p.m. - Today the Florida Senate overwhelming passed a plan that would extend health coverage to those left out when the state chose not to expand medicaid.

4:44 p.m. - The first year of a 20-year spending mandate begins on July first for Florida's environment. Amendment 1 constitutionally guarantees millions will be spent on Florida's lands and water. Legislative leaders have pushed for a bulk of the money for maintenance and operations while advocates have pushed for land purchases.
4:32 p.m. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture found violations of the Federal Animal Welfare act at a monkey breeding facility in Southwest Florida.

4:04p.m. - Haitian tourism officials are setting their sites on central Florida. They're trying to attract second generation Haitian-Americans to the island both as tourists and potential investors.

1:04 p.m. - Palm Beach County officials say they have a dog and cat problem: thousands of animals are at risk of being euthanized because there are so many coming in from other places.
10:04 A House committee, voting mostly along party lines, advanced a trimmed down tax-cut package on Tuesday that slashes its most notable feature, the governor's call to reduce pay-TV and cell-phones bills.
9:35 Meet the South Florida lawyer who's fighting to prove that chimpanzees are people, too.

9:04 Miami-Dade police are a step closer to getting body cameras.
8:30 Haiti's tourism minister says the island's infrastructure is slowly improving due in part to ex-pats in Central Florida.
8:20 Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker says Republican candidates need to go to places they don't typically go to, to broaden the party's appeal. The comment came as the potential candidate for the Republican presidential nomination spoke to business leaders at Disney World.
8:04 A new amendment to the state Senate's Medicaid expansion bill would allow the state to pull the plug on the program if the federal government pulls back on the financial support it promises or for several other reasons.

7:43 Meet the South Florida lawyer who's fighting to prove that chimpanzees are people, too .

7:30 Miami-Dade police are a step closer to getting body cameras.
7:20 Republican presidential hopefuls gathered in Orlando Tuesday to outline their prescriptions for economic success.
7:04 Local immigration activists are continuing to push for executive action on the issue while planning for the election season ahead.
6:43 The first year of a 20-year spending mandate begins on July first for Florida's environment. Amendment 1 constitutionally guarantees millions will be spent on Florida's lands and water. Legislative leaders have pushed for a bulk of the money for maintenance and operations while advocates have pushed for land purchases.
6:30 Haiti's tourism minister says the island's infrastructure is slowly improving due in part to ex-pats in Central Florida.
6:20 Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker says Republican candidates need to go to places they don't typically go to, to broaden the party's appeal. The comment came as the potential candidate for the Republican presidential nomination spoke to business leaders at Disney World.
6:04 At the special legislative session in Tallahassee on Tuesday, a Senate committee tacked a series of amendments to its home-grown Medicaid expansion bill to make it more attractive to the House. But prospects for providing healthcare to an estimated 800-thousand low-income Floridians are looking dimmer all the time.

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